Summer Triangle
At a turning point in history when the global developments around the world are woven by the cultural threads, at the entrance of the gallery, Konstantinos Tzepras, as a genuine representative of his Cypriot origins, recalls decisively, original styles of the Mediterranean tradition, delivering lessons in aesthetic geography. One level down, in the gallery’s underground space, the audience is confronted with the post-Renaissance gros plans of a cinematic dramaturgy. Mirel Gjolena, born in Albania and raised in Kilkis, using the coal as his main material, depicts the portrait of loss. Continuing the tour, the gallery’s loft hosts the artist Panagiotis Gritzos. After a period of spiritual absolution in the freedom of the medium, Gritzos leaves the inks and the labyrinthine shadows – figments of his imagination and returns to the art scene ready to narrate.
The exhibition is curated by the Art Historian, Ειrini-Maria Nanouri, aiming to create both a multimedia and an intercultural dialogue.
A visual summer triangle is brightening a historic area of Athens.